- I photograph to capture the moments. The moments that fade with time. The moments that get pushed aside. All the moments in the world are equally important. I hope my photographs will help you remember.
I photograph to capture the moments.
The moments that fade with time.
The moments that get pushed aside.
All the moments in the world are equally important.
I hope my photographs will help you remember.
Most people call me Lexx. I am married to my high school sweetheart, Kellie, and we have the most beautiful daughter named Scarlet! I am an iced coffee fanatic – so much so that I have a Ninja Coffee Bar so I can make the perfect one at any given moment! I am an extreme night owl and my best work is done while most of the world is sleeping! If there was a timestamp for every photograph I edited, the majority would be between 12am-4am! I am a lover of all animals, especially our 4 kitties and 2 doggies! Most days you could find me watching sappy reruns while editing on my iMac (One Tree Hill and Grey’s Anatomy are my all time faves!). And there’s usually at least one dog right next to my chair, a needy kitten named Junie in my lap, and a baby tugging at my leg trying to distract me. 😉
I grew up in the valley and now my studio is in Elkland, PA. I am an indoor, outdoor, every kind of photographer!! I graduated from Hallmark Institute of Photography in 2010, and since then I have been building my business into something that I love! I absolutely love living in a small town since it allows me to be really close with my clients. I have been photographing some of them for 8+ years and I hope to continue photographing them for years to come! There is something so magical about being a part of someone’s journey and I am SO blessed to be able to capture memories that will last a lifetime! <3
I put my heart and soul into every image that I create, whether it’s setting up the perfect newborn shot or the perfect shot of wedding rings and a bouquet! If you want to know more about me, check out my Blog and Instagram where I get embarrassingly sappy with some of the posts (OK, let’s be real… most of the posts 😉 ).